
I much appreciate your experience, and gentle yet persistent work with me over the past 9 months to encourage me in developing my roles at work and at home. The positivity you bring to sessions assisted in what might otherwise be challenging discussions. Thankyou for your time and expertise in helping me gain insight into ways to better strategize professionally, and prioritize my work/ life balance.

Katrina, Medical Practitioner

I really enjoyed doing the e-learn Doer to Delegator program created by Maree. It's comprehensive but doesn't take too long to complete. It covers everything to get someone from being a doer to freeing themselves up by learning to delegate the right way to their team. I also had the privilege of interviewing Maree for my The Kind Boss podcast and found Maree to be such a kind leader as well and very knowledgable in her expertise of Delegation. A lot of business owners and managers struggle to delegate and it's one the best skills to have.

Linh Podetti - Director Outsourcing Angel

The best part about being coached by Maree is the clarity achieved on a career set-back last year and a perspective on where to next. For me that was really helpful as I try to deal with the uncertainty of my career in later life. I have had the opportunity to reconsider what I do and don't want to do and how to work towards a more sustainable future for myself.

I learnt a bit more about myself and where I may fit better as a leader. It aligned to a new opportunity, and being able to reflect on what this opportunity has given me has been invaluable. Some of the leadership models are tools I will keep in my kit bag for future opportunities.

The sense check and opportunity to work with a coach who works with CEO's has given me greater insight into leadership behaviour which is useful for my work both now and in the future

Louise A, Communications Manager

My time with Maree has been extremely beneficial, both professionally and personally. Discussions with Maree about my business and personal goals give me focus and greater clarity - making it easier to see the forest from the trees. Having a 3rd party ask the hard questions, push your thought processes and play devil's advocate is a great way to stress test strategies before implementing them. Additionally, making commitments to Maree (and have her record them for posterity) is a real motivator to get things done. Finally, Maree's ability to sum up discussions and replay back the critical elements shows her background business acumen, interpretative skills and intuition are all finely tuned.

Managing Director, Property Consulting Company

I've spent most of today reading The XX Project and wow!!! I don't where to start!

Incredible, truthfully honest & thought provoking. I think I will have to read it several times as it has so much in it! I had to laugh because at one stage you suddenly mentioned that the person reading it might feel some anxiety about now, & literally I had just felt that! After doing the sections in the book & finding some clarity I feel like I wrote a book about myself! It took me on a journey of discovery. There were certainly moments where I felt uncomfortable with things so I put it to the side for a moment & then went back to it, persevered & felt better for doing it. Thank you!

Miranda Sargant, Culture and Engagement Partner

It really is true what they say, sometimes you just need a little help and a different perspective to find the answers within yourself.

NL, Account Director Synergistiq

If you lead people but find yourself still doing a lot of the team's work, I would recommend Maree Burgess' 'Doer to Delegator' online training.

What I learned was the science and the sequence of effective delegation, which can unlock lost time. This means you can focus on high value strategic work and your team is empowered.

New to me were the ways in which you can undermine your own delegation with the 'buy back' and 'limbo' and 'above the line/below the line' delegation model.

The training is self-paced and I found it very well organised. Also, the blend of different media and required interaction kept me fully engaged and focused. There were free tools and templates too!

Phil Wightman, Principal Adviser, DHHS

I met with Maree over a number of coaching sessions to help me accelerate my learning, relationships and success in starting a new role. Her support in fleshing out the real issues facing me has helped me identify exactly what it is that gives me joy in my work, and her practical solutions have provided me with tools to make it happen.

Specifically, Maree provided me with invaluable tools on networking and building relationships in a geographically dispersed, male-dominated organisation, and helped me come up with techniques and solutions for dealing with a manager who has a very different personal style to me.

Maree's ability to (gently!) push me out of my comfort zone and hold me accountable for taking action ensured I saw positive changes immediately, in a way that gave me control over sometimes difficult situations. This was my introduction to the coaching process, and I would certainly recommend it to anyone undertaking any type of career transition, or looking for new techniques to help build career success.

Principal Adviser, People & Organisation Support (Australasia), Global Mining Corporation

You've helped me to take a different perspective and have given me the confidence I needed to move forward and make decisions about my career. I really feel I was able to reach a position of clarity about the future (whereas before, the various options and pros and cons had continued to be tossed and turned over and over, with no conclusion or end in sight). 

RH, Business Development

Thanks again, I've really enjoyed working with you.

Robyn Hayden, Business Development Advisor

Maree, thank you for your enlightening presentation today on unconscious bias. Your points about stepping back and taking time to consider how diversity can only enrich fresh thought, makes me now relook at the mix of any team whether project or leadership based. Thanks very much.

Rosie Willis, Director Production at The Brand Agency

Level Up is simply brilliant. There is nothing more ineffective and exhausting than trying to do a whole team’s job, and nothing more frustrating than working for someone who does your job. It’s hard to let go but you will be amazed what happens once you do.  The strategies and tips in this book will literally change your life, and give you time back. Maree is a genius at outlining step by step how to make this liberating transition. It is a must read for new leaders, and also for not so new leaders who need a reminder, or are struggling with an endless cycle of busyness!

Simone Van Veen, Chief Member Officer at Bank First
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