
Leadership By Design Webinar Series.

This masterclass series is a must for all middle managers!

It is the perfect balance between theory, examples and self-reflection activities. I loved how practical these sessions were; after each hour, I could walk away with something tangible I could work on or change to be a better leader.

Sarah Learmonth - Learning & Development Manager

Today something amazing happened to me and I want to share it with you because you had a big hand in it…

Last weekend, I delivered the best Marketing Plan presentation to a board - easily the best one of my entire career! I used what you taught me - thinking about the outcome I wanted from them. It went so well that on Monday last week, I asked for a promotion and a pay rise. And they gave it to me today!

You gave me the courage to ask for it unashamedly, with conviction and confidence that my skills and contributions have value to the organisation.

Just one year after the time you spent coaching me - I truly don’t believe I would be here today without your wisdom and insights. You helped me take the leap from a role where I had already hit the ceiling to the big, scary world of contracting… It was difficult but today I can honestly say it was worth it!

Thank you so much! I am grateful for your support and I want you to know that I sing your praises to anyone that finds themselves in the same spot as me.

Emma A - Administrator

Thank you for your insightful workshop last Monday. Really enjoyed learning all about influence and persuasion, particularly around building rapport.

Anna Grutzner - PR & Communications Manager - Redken, Pureology, Matrix and Biolage at L'Oreal

Leadership By Design webinar series.

Just one tip from a course is all you need to make attendance worthwhile. 

Maree's 4 modules delivered way more than that, and the time between each module gave me plenty of opportunity to implement new learnings and reintegrate things that I had learned about previously that I had stopped practising.

Bill G - Author, Stroke Survivor

Every year we get out of the office for 2 days and have a strategic retreat with all parts of ANUE. This allows us to get on the same page, agree on priorities so we can smash our annual strategic goals as one team. This year we were lucky that our retreat was facilitated by Maree Burgess. We got to learn how to manage relationships, navigate through change and refine our company values. A lot of companies think retreats can be time wasters but the last 5 years have showed us that, when they are well designed, they are an essential part of strategy execution and culture building.

Anthony Pages, Deputy CEO, General Manager ANU Enterprise

The ANU Enterprise Pty Limited team took time out last week to meet together under the expert facilitation of Maree Burgess, for a strategic retreat. We thrived under Maree's guidance and expertise in culture and engagement. Not only did we emerge from the retreat with a clear sense of direction, we sharpened our engagement strategies and built our understanding of emotional intelligence in the context of delivering value to the The Australian National University. Thanks, Maree and thank you to all our people for attending giving so unconditionally.

ANU Enterprise Pty Ltd

The best part of executive coaching for me was having the opportunity to speak to someone who is able to provide an independent and fresh perspective while also providing thought provoking questions that made me look at all aspects of my thinking, reasoning, decisions, actions and behavior. In addition, being provided with new resources / tools for the 'toolbox' that I can implement within my role as a team member and also in my role as a manager. The conversations with Maree felt natural and like I had known her for quite a while, I felt comfortable sharing my thinking.

I learnt more about myself personally and my leadership style. Being given practical resources / tools that I could implement in between coaching sessions was fantastic and allowed me to see tangible results.

The information and resources provided will continue to assist me not just in all avenues of my career but in my day-to-day life. It has provided me with insight in to how I currently perform, what could do with a tweak and how I wish to grow further in my career in the future.

If you're like me - at a cross roads in your career, coaching provides you with 'food for thought' and helps in making decisions regarding your next step. It has also benefited me in my current role of managing a team who are undergoing significant change and has helped to identify how to build a strong, cohesive and functional team environment.

Brooke Streatfeild, Senior Wellbeing and Engagement Officer, Department of Education and Training

I have found our coaching sessions invaluable, in regards to providing me with guidance on how to manage my immediate emotional response to stress (both inside and outside of work).

  • Providing me with the context and framework around how I'd set my goals as well as steps to achieving these.
  • Giving me an arsenal of tools which I can apply in everyday work and outside of work life, to build better rapport and relationships.

Not only have I been able to apply what I've learnt from you, I've managed to coach my sisters through some stressful times, and have them successfully use the techniques from our coaching sessions.

C Tan, Manager NAB

Level Up is a great book for every leader who is moving up a level and needs to stop doing the work of their team. Full of practical advice and check lists, immediately actionable. 

Carolyn Taylor, author of Walking The Talk: Building a Culture for Success.

I have been reading Maree Burgess's latest book Connecting US today. It's so practical and hard to put down.

Aileen Hiskins - Owner Strategic Alignment Training

I have been really privileged to work with Maree as my executive coach. Maree has really taken the time to understand me first. Maree asks questions and without bias lets me come up with the answers that have enabled me to understand myself, my own behaviours, bias and style more and how this knowledge leads to better outcomes and more effective interactions with others. She has helped me adapt and expand in both my personal and professional life. Having an aspiration and a vision is one step yet the path to make this important and meaningful enough to make a real difference is more than what I expected when I first approached Maree.

I am really thankful as I know I am a better leader in practise and leader in thought as an outcome of my coaching sessions with Maree. I now have regained clarity of purpose back into my every day.


It has been a pleasure working with you. I found your style warm while holding me to account, and appreciated your ability to keep me 'on task'. The tools we have added to my toolbox have been extremely helpful not only for me, but also for my team when I have shared them.

Your coaching has supported me to transition from a place of self-doubt through to one where I feel more confident in my ability, and my vulnerability. Thank you.

Chief Operations Manager, Major Victoria Hospital
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